Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Boyle View Post
Why is height the only dimension for size? At least stacked up against the Wraithknight, the Wraith might have another inch and height but the Knight is clearly a substantially larger model in every other dimension. I'll give you the Stompa, though I wouldn't be surprised to see that go up come the new Ork codex.
If they do I would want more options, Baneblade is 85 and all 8 kits included now. Perhaps now you see what I mean, the price for this is just scandalous by comparison. Have a quick look around the RC online shops and see what 85 will get you. A model that flies (for real) and is controllable through radio gear. When you look at it that way, how can GW justify these prices for what is tantamount to a toy soldier.

Sorry that's not meant to be offensive, I play 40k myself but .... you see my point.