Quote Originally Posted by Dave Mcturk View Post
i player pointy ears - both ways and mixed ... must have watched to much star trek when younger ... and the other ugly green things...

the army i hate to play most is nidz...

they have so much nasty stuff that you have to control...

i think tau and csm are probably in better shape to deliver fire from out of harms way ...
I guess I'm just the opposite. I also play Eldar/Dark Eldar and the only codex that scares me is Necrons. Tyranids just don't worry me. Opening turn would be to have the wave serpents try to bring down the Flyrants. If I bring them down, then focus on bringing down the next closest synapse creature while backing out of range of close combat. I have the speed advantage and better shooting at mid and close range. Every time I take down a synapse creature, I further disrupt the incoming charge and give myself another turn to stall them out. If they don't have synapse, they will have a harder time in holding objectives.

Truthfully, orks scare me more than tyranids. They have most of the strengths of the tyranid codex without the liability of IB.