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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Detroit, Michigan

    Cool Disapointment with anticipated Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum releases.

    So lately I’ve been pretty disappointed by GW’s releases and especially with this new Imperial Guard book. I’m not trying to offend anyone or incite frustration, but am instead just speaking my mind and own opinion. It’s a real downer when something new comes out that you’ve waited years for, and while you should be excited, counting the days and planning new purchases, you just kind of shrug your shoulders and look to alternatives.
    Watching Games Workshop releases lately has been like watching a basketball game where one team keeps Michael Jordan and Shaq on the bench but in the meantime sends out Joe the Plumber in hopes that maybe he could have some hidden talent and bring something new to the team. New releases, like the Knights, are often crippled by self-imposed limitations such as the inability to ally with Chaos or lack of good rules, such as in the case of the new Hellbrute.

    The IP has sooo much potential. GW has a virtual license to print plastic money. Players would buy up tons of Plastic Steel Legion, Guardsmen in greatcoats, Ollanius Pius, dynamically posed Marbo, not to mention the other ignored models/armies like Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Chaos Legions, or greater Daemonprinces (Keeper of Secrets anyone?). Besides Space Marines, these characters get some of the most attention from fans in the form of artwork, fanfiction, and chatter yet have been ignored for over a decade while GW is on it’s quest to find something new, the next big thing. However, like the Emperor on the Great Crusade, they seem to be forgetting the awesome things they still have around them… and like the Heresy, it’s biting them in the arse.

    What I’m looking forward to :
    First, the Storm Troopers look great. While I would have preferred more dynamic poses over the stocky, rugby player stances GW is typical for, these models were probably #1 on most serious Guard player’s wanted list. Hopefully the rules reflect this as currently Storm Troopers are some of the worst victims of Codex power creep and are outclassed point for point by most any 6th edition unit. Essentially you are paying 1 more point than a Space Marine per model for a soldier that has a worse armor save, worse stat line and less special rules, for a marginally better gun and optional special ability.
    As far as the name change, it’s not a big deal. We all know it has to do with copyright and if it makes GW feel more secure, so a rose by any other name… I am only hoping that many of the issues with Infantry are fixed in this new codex as there are many quirks with the current book that make them operate sub par. Unfortunately I have this sinking feeling that Orders will change to a Once Per Game mechanic, to the detriment of the army, as Infantry lists are already underpowered and unfeasible.

    What I’m not looking forward to:
    As a tread head, a person who loves armored vehicles and owns almost 30 GW vehicles and tanks, I can honestly say the Taurox is not in the least bit appealing. The last thing the Guard needed is what appears to essentially be a support vehicle with a weapon strapped on it, which doesn’t fit the current aesthetic of the other vehicles. It will simply look out of place next to Leman Russ’ and Chimeras. I’m sure there will be claims of “wait, you’ve only seen one photo in a magazine, it will look different in reality”. That’s just it, it’s a professional photo of a professionally painted model in a magazine. If that can’t sell a model, then holding some black primed pile of plastic a player cobbled together at the FLGS is hardly going to be any more convincing. If the box art can’t sell me then it’s a failure as a marketing piece. If it doesn’t look cool it’s a failure as a model in a game which is intended to be aesthetically pleasing.

    As for the Hydra Flakk tank, I’m on the fence. It looks great… but isn’t it too little too late? The flyers one really needs to worry about are armor 12, which a Str 7 Autocannon really has trouble being effective against (and at AP4 you have a 50% chance of being relatively non-effective even with a penetrating hit). Add in that they have evidently made it open topped makes this metal box even less appealing. Hopefully they will move this to Fast Attack as otherwise this Heavy Support choice is just another carrot in the way of your meat and potatoes; the big tanks of the Imperial Guard.
    Lastly are, Ogryns, a unit which rarely ever sees play currently due to poor rules and expensive, outdated models. Is this what IG players were really wanting/needing, a quirky unit that most people don’t really ever talk about? With the new Ally’s rules in 6th edition, there are better close combat units easily available. A cheap Inquisitor with some Henchmen comes to mind, a unit which could easily take out a squad of Ogryn and look better while doing it or a Captain with some Assault Marines… the options are there. Maybe it’s a British thing but does GW really think that what players want is a new model of some flabby, fat, bald guys with make shift armor? If I want to see that I can go to the local LARP club night. Nurgle fans aside… these do not follow the Rule of Cool.

    So unfortunately, GW has probably lost any sales to me on this entire new release despite the fact that I had actually held off buying any other new kits in anticipation. Dreamforge’s Eisenkern troops or Raging Heroes’ TGitG are just much more appealing than anything GW is coming out with lately and if it’s a matter of having GW tourney legal models I can just settle for the cheap plastic Cadians which GW has decided suffice for their primary IG troop choice, despite looking like something out of Space Balls.

    So, not intended to ruffle any feathers but just find a common ear and put in my $0.25 and before anyone has the chance to say it, yes I'm waiting for the actual release comes out to pass any judgement but for now will not be putting any money on preorders and instead probably opting into Raging Heroes.

    TL;DR, Not impressed or excited about what we have seen so far from new Imperial Guard. Won't be pro-ordering and wish that wasn't the case.
    Last edited by Harley; 03-13-2014 at 02:19 PM.

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