How do?

Bit of a tenuous link here I'll freely admit, but without further ado, off we go.

So, ever since the current Chaos Codex came out, we've heard Chaos players expressing dissatisfaction with their Dreadnoughts, feeling they took second place to the shiny new Daemon Engines, and lacked toughness for a casual walk across the table. Common remedy requested? Drop Pods/Dread Claws, like their Imperial brothers, in order to get dropped closer to the enemy.

Far from an unreasonable request, I'm sure most will agree.

What do we now have? Helbrute Dataslate, which amongst two others, includes (apparently) a trio of Helbrutes teleporting onto the board. Which is, more or less, give or take, one of the Chaos player's main issues with the unit addressed and rectified. Yes, it could well have been put into the Codex from the outset, but then that can be said of any of the Dataslates, and it is a downside. But the upside of Dataslates? They don't take up any FoC slots. So with this, you can have your three Helbrutes, and your usual stuff from whichever slot they normally occupy (not a Chaos player, so not that up on their organisation).

Is this a sign of things to come, or a momentary blip of happenstance? Let's also consider the triumvate of Nid Dataslates. Outside of usual Codex organisation, but seemingly quite well received (again, not counting that they could have somehow been incorporated into the Codex).

What might we see next? Is there anything you want to see 'Slated' in the future?