Before an event I was wondering if someone could clear up a big rules ambiguity that is sure to come up; Void Shields.

The pertinant questions are:

1. If a Blast weapon fires at a squad in a Void Shield and "hits" 5 models, does it get 5 hits on the Shield as opposed to just one hit if it were fired at a single model within a Void Shield? For example, a Battle Cannon which "hit" 10 Genestealers would have a better chance to collapse the Void Shield protecting them than if it "hit" a single Hive Tyrant? This seems like a slippery slope.

2. Which leads us to, if Question 1 is true, and the VS collapses from an initial hit, do hits from the SAME blast carry over to it's original target after the collapse? Or, such as with hitting Transport Vehicles, all "hits" from the same unit resolved simultaneously against it's target and cannot then continue to hit disembarked passengers from a destroyed Transport.

3. Do projected Void Shields ever get to make cover saves? Do Void Shields which sheeth a fortification ever get to make cover saves?

4. How is distance, for the allowable 12" Shield bubble determined in cases such as Torrent flamers, Barrage blasts, and odd weapons like Imotek's ligntning which comes from the sky?