I have a couple rhino bodies and no razorbacks, and have been looking at different sites to get the the lasplas version. I have found 2 that look pretty good, and am looking for any advice as to which is superior if anyone has experience with them. The first is on ebay by bitspudlo here [URL="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alternative-Las-Plasma-Gun-Turret-for-Razorback-/290689583738?pt=Games_US&hash=item43ae730a7ahttp://"]http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alternative-Las-Plasma-Gun-Turret-for-Razorback-/290689583738?pt=Games_US&hash=item43ae730a7ahttp://[/URL]. The other is by puppetswar here [URL="http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=37http://"]http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=37http://[/URL]. If anyone has any experience with either or knows of another superior alternative any help would be appreciated.