Quote Originally Posted by ElectricPaladin View Post
Honestly, I don't think that Ultramarines are a much better example. The Ultramarines are a super atheist, super transhuman First Founding chapter. I can totally see Tigirius summoning a Daemon because he's not superstitious about what this thing is. It's a phantom of the immaterium, made of coagulated sentient passion, and he can dominate it into doing his bidding because his mind is stronger than its. I'm not saying he would actually do it - he seems much more cautious than that, from what little I know of him - but he's not a loyal member of the Imperial Cult. It's more complicated than that.
Agreed. A daemon, on its own terms, is no more evil than a necron or an ork or an eldar or a tyranid or a tau. It's just an extradimensional alien.