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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Throw caution to the wind!

    Ok there's been a lot of grumpy thoughts about Unbound lists, but let us revel in the fun, funny and frankly silly tings we CAN do with unbound lists
    On the front page people have mentioned Ork "mad max" buggy armies and all mandrake armies led by the decapitator!

    Here are five lists that would be a good giggle if not very game winning!

    1. Tzeench Deamon Summoners
    AM Unbound List
    9 Units of 9 Wyrdvane Psychers : Deamonology
    9 Lvl 2 Primaris Psychers : Deamonology
    Then just add whatever you want

    2. Grot Renegades
    Orks with Forgeworld stuff
    Grot Megatank
    Grot Tanks
    Grot Mobs (with suitably modelled grot leaders in place of slavers)
    Killa Kans
    Big Guns (with suitably modelled grot leaders in place of slavers)
    Anything new and grotty from the new dex!

    3. Space Wolf Vengence Quest
    Nothing but lone wolves!

    4. Penitent War
    Sisters Repentia
    Penitent Engines

    5. Angry Angry Angron
    Deamon Prince of Khorne with wings and all the cool toys
    8 Bloodthirsters

    Now some of these armies may actually be relatively tough cookies, but the point is they have either a place in the fluff or a cinematic feel that's really fun and none of them would have been legal before unbound.
    So I ask you, my fellow players, modellers, painters and nutters, to bring out your lists or ideas!
    Let's see that thing you've been dreaming of for years come to the fore!
    Last edited by Bigred; 05-20-2014 at 10:43 AM. Reason: ease of reading
    Wolfman of the Horsepack of Derailment
    The artist formerly known as "WTF you can't say that!"

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