Quote Originally Posted by deinol View Post
Non-troops deny other non-troops, only one side can control an objective at a time. It's just that non-troops can't contest against troops (or other units with Objective Secured, see Pedro + Sternguard).
Basically what I said still apply, but you don't get points for two non troop units on one spot.

Nice, so if you want to win games have really durable troops sitting on the objectives and kill off the other sides troops, or lack of.

Nurgle troops are starting to look more appealing. Anyway it does change what I did want to run at first since I was going just run whatever.

Thinking about it more this hurts stand and shoot gun line armies a lot.
I'm thinking mobility, durability, and the advantage of being troops.

Besides bikes I can't think of too many units that fit that. Tervigons have a nice advantage since they can be troops, spawn troops, and I believe can't be i nstakilled anymore, unless you reduce them to toughness 5 or remove them from the board.

Nids actually may due better now due to the troop rule since they can have a lot of troops, with guard and daemons also having a high troop count.

Thinking about it running nid / daemons would be a crap thing to do. Long as they stay 12" away from each other their golden. Heck spawning more nids and daemons wouldn't be a negative even if you do roll ones and they do nothing. Although you would want to run nids as primary.