Hello every one,
a few weeks ago some of you might have spotted a post made by Zardra regarding a gaming themed pub in London.
Well i am happy to announce that in the next month or so i will be launching my Kickstarter to do just that.
"The Orc's Head" will be a gaming and hobby themed pub, created by hobbyists for hobbyists.
this has been a long time in development and has been designed to not only be a pub were you can get great food, listen to live music from up and coming bands but also have a large none profit gaming club open 7 days a week catering for all ages and ability of gamers. on going campaigns for a range of different systems, but also some were that other kickstarters can come and set up shop for a short period of time ( around 2 months per kickstart ) and show of there gaming systems, models and other related items.
i have worked in both the hobby industry for Games Workshop in the past and also been a manager of a number of pubs in and around London.
i'm posting this to get the ball rolling as it were and to officially announce that a kickstarter is well on the way. i'm sure you will all have some questions and i will be happy to answer them if i am able to.
good luck to any one and every one else launching there own kickstarter and if i can help out once were up and running please get in touch!