I agree w/ kloud
A punisher can work if u use it right. U lose AT fire by not taking a vanquisher? Ok just take a couple of HW squads w/ lascannons. Or outflank a mech platoon w/ Al'Rahem w/ melta-spam. Tanks aren't your problem anymore. w/ the latter u also get scoring units into your opponents flanks/rear. Hell, u could outflank scout setinels w/ lascannons, or maybe a few devil dogs, the list goes on.
A punisher may not be the best option, but it is certainly not as horrible as some of u would lead us to believe it is. For 200pts u get 29 shots. 29 shots. If u throw in a stubber for 10pts more u get 32 shots. G'bye hordes.
To Pask it? U be the judge. 14.5 hits w/o Pask (hvy bltrs included), about 19.1 hits with him