Yes, it's a third thread, and the second today.....

As before, this thread is not about trying to declare them totally awesome win-sauce with a side order of excellent chips. It's about looking at the unit from the point of view of someone who wants to take them over other units. Perhaps it's the look of the models. Maybe they just suit someone's self written background. Could be they just need their bumps felt.

As ever, I'll start off with the pros and cons of the unit.

Pros - Dear's an entire unit of jump infantry, and they've all got Lightning Claws. That's pretty tasty on paper. And being Marines, Power Armour to boot. Daemon brings 5+ invulnerable and fear to the party as well. And when deepstriking in, cause Blind tests on all enemy units within 6". Now on paper, that's looking like a pretty decent unit...

Cons - Standard Warptalon only has a single profile attack, and they're not cheap. 160 for your base unit, and 30 points to bump them up. So for a full sized unit, that's 310 points. 310! Ouch. They might be pretty killy, but with Lightning Claws being AP3, even slicing up Marines they have to go some to punch their weight. Against non-power armoured units they'll bounce off (Terminator or other 2+), or just be horrendously overkill, leaving them out in the open for retaliatory fire in your opponents turn. But it doesn't end there. No Grenades. At all. That's a very expensive, very aggressive unit which has a bit of a disadvantage when assaulting into cover. Granted, that's nothing especially insurmountable given the perks they have. But.....they're Fast Attack. And that means they compete for those slots against Raptors (cheaper, bit of dakka, bit more general purpose) Bikers (well fast, loadsa dakka, and not too shabby in a punch up), Chaos Spawn (another 'meh' unit to be honest)....and Heldrakes. And there's the real kicker. Whilst the unit itself isn't actually terrible, there are better choices out there for the same slots. Choices which whilst not as good in the cut and thrust of melee, offer more options. Raptors for instance. Can still slot light and medium infantry in combat, but can also tote special weapons, meaning they can do a lot more damage than Warptalons. Couple of meltaguns, and they're competent tank hunters for instance, something Warp Talons will never be.

And back to the discussion point. Clearly, this is a unit which you don't see all that often, and for not daft reasons.

But if you wanted to field them, how to go about getting the best out of them. Nasty combo? Specific tactics? Let's here them.

Finally, this isn't about pointing out their issues. They are many and we know it.