Honestly, I am tired of people whining about the price of Games-Workshop models. Sure, the start up cost is pretty big if you are going all out. It is that reason that we should be convincing new players to find a close friend to go in "Halfers" on a Dark Vengeance 2 player starter kit. In Canada, it is about 120 bucks. Split that between two people and it doesn't cost you much more than a AAA video game. In canada, that is only 10 bucks more than a warmachine battle group.

Because everyone always brings up warmachine/infinity or card games, I think I will too:

1. Warmachine really isn't that much cheaper. Sure, "You don't need to buy as many models", but you don't NEED more warhammer models either.

2. Warmachine and Infinity lack variety in vehicles. Sure, it is squad based combat, but both use mostly large mechs or humanoids. They clearly have their own flavors.

3. Just about every Magic: The Gathering player I know pays at least $1000 on cards a year. Cards you don't get to build or paint. (Part of the hobby to a lot of wargamers)

4. Have you ever looked at other models that aren't used for gaming? The detail is usually the same or worse than GW. I see tanks going for almost 100 dollars. GW prices are pretty standard.

So assuming we aren't all going for apoc-style battles, warhammer is as expensive as any other hobby.