Quote Originally Posted by John Bower View Post
As to the Death Company stuff, in the FAQ it does say to ignore the FOC references and instead refer to the Rule book about selecting your army, not a direct quote btw.
Actually, it only says to ignore the section "Using a Force Organisation Chart and Standard Missions" and "refer to the Choosing an Army section in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules."

There is no note in the FAQ for Death Company. It doesn't even swap out "army" for "detachment" like the Ork 4th edition codex FAQ did (so that you could make Nobs and Deff Dreads Troops on a per-detachment basis). Which means the line is still "You can include only one unit of Death Company in your army." Meaning, for now, even a multiple-detachment army of Blood Angels can only have one Death Company. And that makes sense, because all of the lunatics in an army are put into one single unit.