1850 All But the big guns (All supplements except Escalation)
All codexes and supplements Approved. FW still needs cleared by TOs.

3 Games at 2.25 hours each. There will be a 30 minute break after game 2 for dinner.

Registration starts at 11 AM, Pairings begins at Noon.

Entry Fee: $15 Fully Painted, $20 Unpainted or Partially Painted

House Rules

Grimiore only applies to the Daemon USR (so max of 3++)

Any 2+ rerollable save only saves on a 4+ on the reroll (so 2+ then 4+)

Void Shield Generators can be no larger than a standard CD, Vengeance weapon Batteries bases do make a good stand in.

Skyshield Landing Pads are not strong enough to support Super heavies or Gargantuan Creatures. They may not benefit from the 4++. Non-Skimmer non-flyer vehicles that wish to get onto or off of a Skyshield must make a Dangerous Terrain test.

No "Come the Apocalypse" allies.

Necron Overlords in Catacomb Command Barges do not confer their 3+ to the vehicle but do lose Independent Character.

Forge World will be allowed, but please have a readable way to present to the TO and your opponents. Ipads/tablets/printed copies/books are all fine, they MUST be readable. If you do not have a readable list of the rules, the TOs reserve the right to deny use of a unit. Additionally, please check with TO first to see if a FW unit is approved.

When choosing Warlord Traits, players roll one die and look across all applicable tables (this includes BRB tables, Codex Tables, and Escalation/Stronghold Assault Tables) and chooses the Warlord Trait they want. For example, you roll a 4, you can choose from the options of what a 4 is on the BRB tables, your codex table, or the Escalation/Stronghold Assault tables. You may only choose one.

This is the rules for an upcoming local tournament i am wondering if i should even bother.. i mean no offense but seriously a page of rules and corrections... so now not only do i have to know my 7th edition rules in and out but you want me to remember your house rules?
