I am quite literally squealing and skipping around my house with glee right now. I'm so amazed! The Nagash model looks so much better in the new pictures than even the first glimpse could have possibly set us up for, and Neferata.....my god, Neferata.....My Lahmian Vampire army will finally be led by its First Mistress, the Queen of the Night! While I might have preferred a model without the weird hat, it looks amazing and I'm picking both it and Nagash up on day one. I hope like hell she can be built on foot!

By the way, Neferata/Mannfred/Arkhan are a triple kit - you can tell by the identical bottom half of the model. I'm so excited.....I'm so very, very excited....I've never been this excited about a GW release since 6th Edition Chaos Space Marines (and what a disappointment that turned out to be as a Thousand Sons player). I can't wait! I've already messaged my local GW manager to take all my money!