Hey Everyone,
In my local area of Florida the players are discussing the inclusion of LoW,and how and if they should be included in a game. Now, I am a relatively new player. I started at the very end of 5th, so I am not familiar with everything. However, I've seen on other forums and things that the C'tan and the Revenant Titan are broken. This may or may not be the case I don't know, but when I mention using my Primarch everyone pitches a fit and calls it broken. I don't understand this. Sure the Primarchs are good, but their saves and stats aren't that much better than a chapter master, and their wounds limited. Granted they are tough, and can be difficult to chew threw, but it is only 1 model. My big question is: How can a Primarch be broken if you can bring a C'tan, a Revenant Titan, a Warhound Titan, and a super-heavy with D weapons to tournaments? Can anyone help me with this. I think everyone else is over reaction. A D weapon will still one-shot a primarch, so I don't know what all the fuss is. Thanks.