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    Default Returning how are Dwarves these days?

    Just like the title states, I am a player who is pondering getting back into the game. In long-distant previous editions (I think 5th or 6th or so) I was a Dwarf player, who sold off my army mainly for financial reasons (perhaps backed by a healthy dose of boredom). Lately, I have been looking at jumping back into a fantasy game, and the pretty new models are attractive. Additionally, Avatars of War has a bunch of cool looking character models and some slick new plastic units that look better (IMO) than their GW counterparts, and are actually cheaper. Good stuff!

    But I was wondering - how are Dwarves playing lately? I don't necessarily need to roflstomp all my opponents, but it would be cool to actually play an army that was at least quasi-competent. Are they good?

    What about them isn't so good? Any stinkers in the new list I should avoid?

    I see they have some new models/units now. Are the new gyrocopters decent at all? Are Slayers working ok still? How about IronDrakes?

    EDIT - oh yes, before I forget. The one thing that used to annoy me about dwarves in prior editions is that we always seemed to rely extremely heavily on taking an Anvil of Doom, just to be able to shut down the enemy magic quasi-reliably. Is this still the case? If so, that's something of a negative for me.
    Last edited by mikethefish; 09-05-2014 at 08:36 AM.

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