I see this more as a sign that they're protecting their IPs, to prevent other companies making 40K/Fantasy models 'on the sly' so to speak. It also makes it easier if they want to convert these older games to digital/ipad/console games, which seems to be a thing they do now.

I doubt very much we'll see any return of the Specialist Games, because, ultimately, where's the money? Given the choice between a new Necromunda gang sprue of 10 guys which a handful of hardcore gamers will play, or a new Space Marine squad which will sell far more copies, I know which I would put into production. Specialist Games are a lovely idea, and I imagine they make good money for the small companies which make similar products (Malifaux, et al.) but GW just won't do it, because every SG kit is a lost 40K or Fantasy kit.

Especially when, yes, Space Hulk sold, but Dreadfleet?

Yeah, all twenty people who play it LOVE it, but come on. You can't make money that way.