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    Join Date
    May 2011

    Post Terran Recruitment

    Hey all! I was wondering where all the Terran Astartes recruits came from. Some seem to have a specific area in mind, other legions seem to have other prerequisites... I was hoping for your advice and expertize in filling in the gaps Also making out the contorted names of places on earth would be great. Also also Im throwing in the original Legion names. In the comments following the legions names, there will be SPOLIERS if your not following the Heresy book series.

    1: Dark Angels/ Angels Tenebraium*; yep all very secretive
    3: Emperors Children; Nobles of Europa- upper class Europeans.
    4: Iron Warriors/ "Corpse Grinders"- informal nickname; First founded at the "Auto Plateau of Sek Amrak", 7
    5: White Scars ; Apparently a very wide recruitment of different areas
    6: Space Wolves; Trefoil secrets
    7: Imperial Fists; Possibly from other aspirants like the War Hounds- in this case taciturn nature was the desirable quality
    8: Night Lords; Partially from 'Old Albia'- Britain, entirely fro prisons, largely from those born in lightless subterranean prisons, born in darness (ala a terran legion of Bane). We can assume 'Old Alba' had a big subterranean prison. The prisons seem to be located beneath hab-hives.
    9:Blood Angels
    10: Iron Hands/ Storm Walkers/ The Iron Tenth; Partially from 'Old Albia'- Britain, Qavatine Plate cities, Solus Stellax (a defeated enemy during unification wars), and 'all over ancient Terra'.
    12: World Eaters/War Hounds; Kharn remembers mountains, and has a caribbean accent??? Angron has a russian accent?? Kharn is arabic for betrayer, so arabic name...? Screening used and the most aggressive aspirants transferred to the War Hounds. (From other Legions aspirants).
    13: Ultramarines
    14: Death Guard/ Dusk Raiders; Exclusively from 'Old Albia' Britain.
    15: Thousand Sons; Psychically gifted apiriants came from the Achaemenid Empire, which the Emperor had ruled for a century before the Legions began to look for Aspirants.
    16: Sons of Horus/ Luna Wolves; "Jutigran Bowl" Hunter Clans and others from "Samsatian sub-plate slums"
    17: Word Bearers/ Imperial Heralds/ Iconoclasts (informal); possibly those who had recanted old beliefs and were willing to fight redeemed in the light of Imperial atheist beliefs.
    18: Salamanders/ The Fearless (informal); Trefoil secrets
    19: Raven Guard/ Pale Nomads/ Dust Clad (informal); "Central Asiatic Dustfields"
    20: Alpha Legion/ 747 other names (732+ 15, see below); Its a secret! (Trefoil)

    Tenebraium; Tenebrae is Latin for 'shadows' or'Darkness', also it is theevening service in formal Christian traditions on Holy week- the week leading up to easter, before the gethsemene incident and betrayals. Theres alot you can read into that.

    The Trefoil; The Salamanders, Space Wolves and Alpha Legion were created separately to the other Legions, and the Emperor kept their origins and purpose a mystery. We can guess the space wolves secrets are the 'executioners' theme, the especially divergent gene seed, the horrible 'there are no wolves on Fenris' 'mystery', and generic chaos-resistance. Spoiler here; Salamanders could be Vulkan being a perpetual. Whereas Alpha legion are all about the secrets. Which lends credence to the double agent idea, or the idea that they are doing what they do best; insurgency and rebellion within the chaos ranks.

    20: Alpha Legion; The Ghost Legion and The Harrowing seem to be the most well known cognomens, HH Book 3 lists 15, and refers that there are another 732 other names archived. Knowing the Alpha Legion, that probably means there are many many more.

    Edit; Have changed 'Old Albia' to Britain.
    Last edited by Thornblood; 09-29-2014 at 08:40 AM.

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