You know what I'd like to see again? Warhammer Quest. That's a pretty self contained release as well. They'd just have to do the character packs, but they could probably be made as Finecast and maybe stuffed into the Warhammer Quest box along with their relevant rules and counters. After all, they were able to stuff an extra bit of material into the Space Hulk box, despite already having a ton of stuff in there to begin with. I'm not a fan of Finecast, but I'd definitely like a second chance to collect the Witch Hunter, Chaos Warrior, and Pit Fighter in some form (That and I'd like to replace the long lost rules for the Imperial Noble, Warrior Priest, and Bretonnian Questing Knight which I still have. It drives me batty to think that I still have those models but somehow lost their rule books, counters, and cards).