i love my eldar - but for 'friendly' games we have agreed some simple mods:

1:wavz silly shield - ONE use only per game

2: fire dragons up in points from 22 to 25pts - they are I5 / A3+ / and with BF have an effective range of up to 24" and they ALL have melta bombs - at least as good as a marine with a melta !

3: spiderz up from 19 pts to 24pts . they have battle focus + !!! - oodles of ST6/7 weapons they even have a two shot AP1 spinner on a BS5 exarch.. shame they dont have a 3++ IV save like necron wraith ... but oh well. they still make a mess of pretty much everything. [oh and they all have built in H&R] !!!

4: walkers are up 5+ points on base - because who doesnt like a walker that is more mobile than a vyper ! - has better protection ! - costs less points and can carry two decent weapons [ oh and doesnt take up a FA slot!]

5: shiny spears are up +2pts to 27 - because really 25pts is ridiculous - the only issue we have is that ONLY the exarch has hit and run - ?? - the rest are all just stallers ! [star wars imperial guard on bikes ] - ["im a skilled rider - but..."]