Hello wonderful BOLSers,

I am putting this lot up for sale as I unfortunately do not have time to put towards my main army (DA) yet alone starting another.

I picked this group of Praetorians up a while ago as a job lot, took the old paint off and base-coated the majority of them.

They are mainly in good condition, the base coat of white is thin so can easily be taken off if needed. However, as with any job lot purchase there are some models that aren't in such a good state (slottas missing, a couple of broken weapons and a broken foot - see pictures below)

First though a list of what is on offer:

7 x Guardsmen with Grenade Launchers

9 x Standard bearers (2 x based)

2 x Sergeants Laspistols + chainswords

2 x Sergeants with laspistol and powersword

1 x (I think sergeant) with lasrifle (hold fire position)

2 x Musicians (trumpet + chainsword)

2 x commanders bolt pistol + chainsword (there is a third but the chainsword is broken - see picture)

6 x marching guardsmen (gentlemen never run)

6 x defensive position guardsmen + another 8 with bayonets (14 altogether)

8 x guardsmen lining up shots (standing)

5 x guardsmen lining up shots (crouching/kneeling)

7 x guardsmen with flamers

2 x guardsmen with missile launchers

3 x mortars + crew

1 x autocanon + crew

5 x heavy Bolters + crew

4 x Lascanons with crew ( + 1 Lascanon without chassis)

4 x extra ammo holder crew

2 x crew with binoculars

2 x Heavyweapon crew with remote controles/auspex (?)

3 x injured Praetorians (2 lying on backs + 1 on side)

3 heavy weapon gunners

+ not preatorians but spare guardsmen for sale anyway
2 x metal Cadian sergeants, 1 with powerfist + 1 with power sword.

Now comes the money part.

I know how much I purchased the job lot for and I know how much this guys go for on the likes of Ebay so I will let you guys PM any serious offers. The postage is from France because of the weight I will need to get a quote for the postage.