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  1. #1
    Alpha Legion Operative
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    North East England, UK

    Default ACE01's End Times begin! A plog to keep me motivated...

    After struggling to find time to do any hobby at all following a crazy busy spell at work and home (including getting married!) I've decided a project log is what I need to help me deliver regular hobby advancement! I've an embarrassingly large collection of models still in boxes or in various states of build, with 3 primary armies (TK, LM, VC) and a couple of bits from old armies/donations from friends (O&G, WoC). As such, I plan to set myself a number of challenges to get through them in sizeable chunks and I'm making myself publicly accountable so all harassment for updates and shouting at me for non-delivery is welcome (as well as any positive C&C, of course!). The End Times have truly arrived - for my unbuilt, wasted mini's anyway...

    Challenge #1 Build and paint 1000 points worth of models from my existing collection, with no new purchases of models. Deadline: 23/11/14 10am - FAILED New Deadline: 30/11/14 11pm

    Undead Night Goblins

    Complete for Tabletop/Painting/Built & Primed

    Undead Night Goblin Warboss (Tomb Prince)
    Undead Night Goblin Shaman (Necromancer)
    48 Undead Night Goblins (Zombies) - need basing.
    20 Undead Night Goblin Archers (TK Archers)
    20 Undead Spiders -Riders (Dire Wolves)
    3 Trolls (Crypt Ghouls)
    Corpse Cart

    WFB 'to complete' List
    Tomb Kings Vampire Counts Lizardmen Chaos
    3 Tomb King
    2 Priest
    2 Mounted Priest
    9 Skeleton Chariots
    29 Skeleton Warriors
    20 Skeleton Archers
    10 Skeleton Horsemen
    30 Tomb Guard
    6 Necropolis Knights
    3 Sepulchral Stalkers
    6 Ushabti w/GW
    Screaming Skull Catapult
    Tomb Scorpion
    Casket of Souls
    Mannfred (mounted)
    2 Vampire
    Tomb Banshee
    Cairn Wraith
    40 VC Skeletons
    30 Crypt Ghouls
    10 Dire Wolves
    5 Black Knights
    5 Hexwraiths
    3 Crypt Ghouls
    ~40 Zombie (NEW 23/11/14)
    Lord Kroak
    Saurus Oldblood
    2 Skink Chief
    Skink Priest
    20 Temple Guard
    40 Saurus (Spears)
    30 Saurus (HW/S)
    30 Skink Skirmishers (Archers)
    24 Skink Cohort (Jav/Shield)
    10 Cold One Cavalry
    3 Terradons
    Jungle Swarm
    Chaos Lord
    Chaos Sorcerer
    Tzeentch Warriors
    Khorne Warriors
    5 Marauder Horse
    + Others TBC
    Last edited by ACE01; 11-24-2014 at 05:51 AM.
    My End Times Project Log on BOLS, current project: Undead Goblins! -!-A-plog-to-keep-me-motivated

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