Spiral Bridge Studios is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter in order to publish their first game, Rack and Ruin.

Rack and Ruin is different approach to miniature games. Rather than showing players a bunch of miniatures and telling them what they do we have put together a rules set allowing players to choose 4-12 fantasy miniatures they want to use and write them up, more akin to designing a party for an rpg then a standard miniatures game.

We are currently running an Open Beta Test, and if you might be interested sign up and we'll send you a pdf of our current play test version. You can find that here @ spiralbridgestudios.com

You can check out our Kickstarter campaign here @ [url]https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/17[/url] ... k-and-ruin

Thank for your time,
Gene Capar
Spiral Bridge Studio