I have started my empire army, I am still unsure of which colour scheme to go for but I feel as though , probably red, black, white and purple. I am leaning more towards a nuln style heavily armoured defensive army. The general of the army is a wonderful model, so I thought I would start with him.
I feel as though the city will be relatively-very wealthy, through either trade or mining of minerals and valuable gemstones. It is therefore able to arm and armour its soldiers well.
After seeing the arm holding the helmet and the large feather I knew the conversion I wanted to make. It will take a little greenstuff to fill in the join between the feather on the helmet & the large feather.
I feel as though the pointing arm, may be a little too normal. I may use the pointing arm, feather hat combo on the champion of the knightly order, as if he is selecting which opponent to fight.
I also tried a couple of different heads, I think I am leaning towards the second, which is a head from the state troops box.
Armoured crossbowman - head swap sallet from greatswords box
I really liked Branganza's besiegers and so I thought I would try and make a paupers version, it was surprising how much difference simply adding the armoured head made! I plan on casting more of these heads to convert the rest.