Quote Originally Posted by Docrailgun View Post
Good thing you played against some players who weren't playing to the strengths of their Codexes. Where were the melta ASM pod squads? Where were the gravity gun bikers? Where were the Death Company units? Heavy flamer tacs to counter charges?
I was the BA player vs. him in those games. Iīv tried 10 man sternguard drop pod unit (with 10 combi-meltas) vs. Wave Serpents but math just isnīt there. On a good dice day you hit about 7 times, from those you glance or pen about 6 times. From those 6 Wave Serpent will save with jink 3+ average 4 and downgrade any pens to glance with 2+. So in a good day you get two glances with that try and after that you are standing there no more than 6" away from what ever is going to come out of it or is around you. Normaly you get shot down to 3-4 men on the next Eldar turn.

Grav guns are even more unrelaiable in this. With bikes you dont get enough shots. With sternguard you get 20 shots if you land near enough. Hit about 14 times in a good day and out of those you get about 2-3 "six to glance and immobilize" hits. If you are lucky he will fail one and get immobilized for the rest of the game. But its not that hard for WS to jink those.

Death Company gets shot from the table with those same bright lance Warwalkers that take care of my terminators (they at least get 4++ with sanctuary). Feel no pain doesnīt help you vs. S8 weapon. If you deep strike them too close Wraithknight will waste them with suncannon hits on the midle of the DS formation and then assault whats left. They just get crushed. GK terminators are more scary for him because of 4++ and S5 - S9 Force weapons.

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Quote Originally Posted by Charistoph View Post
Heck, the Stalker and Hydra should be awesome against Wave Serpents. Both are twin-linked, don't care if Pens are downed to Glanced because it is based on Glancing things to death, anyway, and has the volume to do it, and Skyfire still helps against Skimmers. It requires Allies for Blood Angels, but hey, there are worse things to Ally.

Unfortunately, Grav is less effective against Vehicles than Monstrous Creatures and Marine Characters, and the Centurion's Grav Cannons are far better at getting that lucky Glance than the Guns, even on Bikes.
Hmmm... thanks for the advice. I dont īt have codex Space Marines, but I think Iīll might get it to look into those. They should be nice add to my AA weapons also. Only thing Im worried is that if its 11 armour it will get wasted (or shaken) really fast with serpent shield S7, no cover save shots, but at least it would force him to shoot that shield if those tanks would be placed in a good cover. How many shots does it fire and with what strenght? Whats the range?

Totaly agree with you about Grav guns.