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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    Current rumors indicate that a new codex/codices are most definitely on the way.

    Half full. All current indication is that there will be a new codex in a year or two, and as Melissia pointed out, removing old stuff early is standard GW procedure.

    In all probability, the DH and WH codices are fairly poor sellers, so GW probably currently has enough backstock to last the year or so until the new codices come out, so they can stop printing earlier than they would with another army.
    Thats all true, but we usually see a removal maybe 3 or 4 months out from such an event. I think I can reasonably certain that GW is not putting out any type of Inquisition/WH/DH ciodex in that time frame.

    I'd be pleased if they did however. If they still had a decent stock however, why remove it from being ordered at all? That makes no sense to me. That and it hasn't been removed from the US site, just the troops box and that hasn't been removed fully yet since it pops up in the also featured products.
    Last edited by andrewm9; 01-08-2010 at 12:50 PM.

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