The Hades Hive Hyenas - name is as WIP as the force - are a motley band of thugs, thieves and murderers assembled from the dregs of society that collect in the prison planets of the Imperium. Pushed into service during the Second War for Armageddon, they were ideal for defending the underhives of Hades Hive from Ork infiltration, at the small cost of pilfering anything that wasn't nailed down, until they found a crowbar to come back for it, at least.

I've got a small fire team of five with a Grenade Launcher built, and the Force Commander/Gang Leader so far. It'll be a while before they get painted, given the crappy weather and other distractions, so for now they're just good ol' Sprue Grey. I've tried to diversify their bitz, as I found those Masks from the Cadian Command box, and a few Scion heads with decent Respirators. I can imagine them scavenging these and retooling them to dispense drugs, rather than using their standard-issue clunky, bulky respirators. I think I might make it a mark of Veterans vs Guardsmen to have some with the backpack gasmask as just Guardsmen, and some with more sophisticated respirators as older, better equipped Veterans. There's a mix of Kroot, Empire, Cadian, Catachan, Scions and third party bitz in there to help the scavanged feel come out.

Let me know what you think:

Veteran Team with Grenade Launcher:

Force Commander/Gang Leader with Vostroyan Shotgun and a busted Power Sword: