Not sure how many have been able to read the new Codex. But in the lore section there is this passage

At the very heart of the Black Library there lies a silver-lit vault. Therein stands a plinth made of finely graven obstinite, upon which rests a crystalline book said to contain the words of Cegorach himself.

Since the Fall, the tome’s covers have remained closed, sealed shut with flickering chains of light. Yet now, long-awaited portents have come to pass. A fallen sorcerer seeks the lore of the library. A king stirs in his court of death and silence, preparing to rise once more. Within madness’ eye, the champion of the Ruinous Powers prepares to seize a realm long denied. As the signs have come to pass, so the bands of light about the tome have flickered and died.
A fallen sorcerer seeks the lore of the library. This of course refers to Ahriman

A king stirs in his court of death and silence, preparing to rise once more? Could this be the a sign that the Emperor of Man is readying to step off the throne?

Within madness’ eye, the champion of the Ruinous Powers prepares to seize a realm long denied. Could this be a tie in to 9th edition Fantasy?

The passage that really calls out to me is the King stirs in his court of death and silence. It has been forever sense the lore took any major steps ahead. Given the shake up a with Fantasy and end times I wonder if these are hints to the future. What do you think?