i have the Stormclaw models and the dreadnought so far...

krom dragongaze

wolf priest w/mastery lv II, melta bombs

dreadnought w/wolf claw-hf, hellfrost cannon, drop pod

9 bloodclaws w/powerfist, plasma pistol, rhino w/dozerblade

5 grey hunters w/plasma gun, terminator wgbl w/powerfist, meltabomb, 2 chainswords

5 grey hunters w/plasma gun, terminator wgbl w/thunderhammer, meltabomb, 2 chainswords

3 longfangs (terminator pack leader w/frost axe, meltabomb) w/missile launchers

Gonna pick up the rhino, drop pod and bloodclaws this week. Figure I'll run the priest in the rhino w/the bllodclaws and Krom w/a unit of grey hunters. Dread will drop turn 1 and target a priority unit.

Comments? Advice?