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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    San Diego, California

    Default 2015 Release Rumors

    Over from [URL=""]Lords of War Gaming[/URL]:

    1: "Plastic HH marks of armor in May? You're way off!"

    2: "All these rumor sites said Sisters of Battle in May and now it's Horus Heresy plastics. I wonder what they will say next?"

    3: "You will see a new Space Marine codex before you see Horus Heresy plastics."

    4: "Sh!t, you will see a Tau codex before you see plastic Horus Heresy."

    5: "-Rene: So you're saying there won't be plastic Horus Heresy miniatures at all?

    -Lords of War Gaming: They will be this year and next."

    6: "DA I don't know about. Could see Eldar.."


    This could mean:
    -Fantasy 9th
    -Space Marines (vanilla)
    -30k plastics

    Potentially all within this year if the above is to be believed.

    Let's all keep in mind that 75Hastings69 also said that his bucket of rumors that included Deathwatch, an Assassins game, and Genestealer Cult MIGHT NOT ALL BE IN THIS YEAR but could go into the next.

    Finally, if Tau and Eldar are really coming up next, two things come to mind:
    Aspect Warriors

    If the new Codices address those outdated models, I can't complain too much.

    Last edited by DrBored; 03-10-2015 at 05:25 PM.

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