Greetings folks,

Wanting to get back into both WH40k and WHFB after being away for a very long time. trying to break from the old armies i played way back (Imperial Fists, 'Nids for 40k) and try something new. Contemplating Tau or Necrons or Imperial Guard (astra whatever...) and maximizing purchases thru battle force boxes and/or bundles i see on GW site.

I do not have the BRB or any of the newer codexes just yet so please bare with me on missing some of the newer fundamentals in game mechanics or army special rules that may be glaring hehe

Tinkering with Battlescribe btw to generate lists...

So for Necrons 2000 points, i'm leaning towards a build like this:

65 - Cryptek w/ staff of light
125 - Overlord w/ war scythe, resurrection orb

250 - Lychguard - 12x lychguards w/ war scythes
135 - Triarch Stalker w/ TL heavy gauss cannon
135 - Triarch Stalker w/ TL heavy gauss cannon

170 - Immortals - 10x immortals w/ tesla carbines
170 - Immortals - 10x immortals w/ gauss blasters
235 - Necron Warriors - 10x warriors w/ ghost ark
235 - Necron Warriors - 10x warriors w/ ghost ark

Fast Attack
120 - Canoptek Wraiths - 3x wraiths
120 - Canoptek Wraiths - 3x wraiths
60 - Tomb Blade Squad - 3x tomb blades w/ shield vanes

Heavy Support
60 - Canoptek Spider w/ TL particle beamer
60 - Canoptek Spider w/ TL particle beamer
60 - Canoptek Spider w/ TL particle beamer

Tallies up to 2000 even.

Since destroyers and heavy destroyer upgrade kits are so pricey and rare to acquire at the moment, have to pick something else in fast attack and heavy support slots. Not really sure about spiders. gauss blaster vs tesla carbines on immortals? resurrection orb on overlord work well (or pointless) with a cryptek and ghost ark ability? I do like the lychguard and stalker models. shame i cant fit deathmarks in there but no slots left.

Any suggestions, tips, advice, constructive critiques, etc are always very appreciated.

