This tournament isn't meant to be a WAAC tournament, in saying that LoW are allowed (25% limit) and our meta is fairly brutal.

I am considering the following list:

Company of the Greatwolf.

Wolf Lord:
Thunderwolf, Krakenbone, Fellclaw, Runic Armour, SS.

6 Wolf Guard
Bikes, 1 PF, 1 SS, 1 Wolfclaw, 1 Melta Bomb

Ven Dread
Blizz Shield + Axe + Drop Pod

5 Wolf Guard in TDA
SS + WolfClaw, Wolfclaw + Assault Cannon, 3x TH/SS

Iron Priest
Thunderwolf + 1 Cyberwolf

5 Blood Claws
Flamer + Drop Pod

Drop Pod - for WGTDA

5 Thunderwolf Cav
5 x SS, 1 Melta Bomb, 1 PF, 1 Wolfclaw

Fire Raptor
Quad Heavy Bolters

5x Long Fangs w/ 4 Lascannons.

So it is meant to be a strong, but not WAAC list. Any thoughts on my choices? Tactics are pretty obvious with this list, Dread + Termies come down T1, Thunderwolves + Bikers head where they need to be. Lots of assaulting follows.