I've kept my Thousand Sons in 40K over the years, but I know they are no match for the eldar Wave Serpent spam or the truck loads of Imperial Armor. Chaos just doesn't get enough heavy weapons to pull through against those armies. That's been that way since fifth edition. I've been thinking of going with an all Imperial Knights army, but using the Lord of Skulls body to replace the upper torsos so I have Khorne Knights. It's a very expensive proposition to say the least. Now that Yoy Mart is blocked off. So this is to those gamers who know about the new Khorne Daemonkin Codex. Is it possible to run two Lord of Skulls in an army? (One for warengine and the other for HQ choice) I like the Lord of Skulls models, and I wouldn't mind picking up some khorne models if it made sense. Two superheavies should do fine against most of the souped up meta, but I really don't like khorne berzerkers on foot. They really belong in land raiders, and I think the Daemonkin Codex was lacking land raiders. Any suggestions about that?