Evening all.

So there's some reminiscing going on in the rumours thread about fun with artillery, and I want to hear more, and this is the appropriate thread!

For me, I'll run it down by the different toys I've used.

Bolt Thrower. Best shot here is easy for me! Very first shot of the game, loosed a single bolt from a Reaper at the Orc Warlord on Wyverns. Was hoping to knock off some big woundage off the beasty, in the hope of wearing it down enough for my Repeater Crossbows to polish it off. Hit on a 6, and managed to hit the rider - who promptly took three wounds, and became brown bread. Not quite the result I was after.....until the Monster Reaction rendered the Wyvern stupid for the game, and it promptly spent the rest of the game wandering around, looking at the daisies. Opponents face was a picture!

Stone Thrower. Screaming Skull Catapult shot to be precise. Aimed for big block of Saurus, and missed horribly. Template scattered 10".....landing square on a Skink Shaman who had all the re-rolls via Mark of the Old Ones and Second Sign of Amul. Poor little thing went *squish* big time.....

Helblaster Volley Gun. First barrel misfired, leading to 30 hits (this was before you had to roll to hit as well), reducing a full block of Gor to a rather sorry looking BSB, left on a single wound....who got polished off by an Engineer's repeater pistol Opponent as not happy!

Helstorm Rocket Battery. First version of its rules....template slap bang in the middle of some Iron Breakers......none survived!

Right, over to you!