It's a good system, snappy and quick, promotes a lot of thinking ahead and exploiting your opponent's mistakes. I'll give it that, not my kinda game, but for a tournament-oriented player? Great.

However, one of the girls has started painting her Khador army white and gold, and people are complaining that they keep mistaking them for Menoth and apparently painting armies as other armies is illegal in tournaments, (ostensibly.) This put the nail in the coffin for my ice-blue Khador army I was contemplating painting up, sadly. A lot of people said it would be too similar to Cygnar at a distance to work in a game.

I agree with Xeno though, an awful lot of wargames lack customisation. Hell, very few even both with vehicles, and there's a lot you can do to personalise a tank. I'm excited to get my Bolt Action rolling so I can have stowage on the tanks with wisps of camo netting and sandbags up front. My Guard get similar treatment, with Veteran squads unanimously being custom kitbash, my Valkyries have Sunshark engines, all sorts.

It means the army is mine. If someone walks past a table, they can see, "oh, that's their army!" Everyone has a pretty distinct style here, from the army collected, to painting, to the models chosen, and it makes a game so much more enjoyable to watch than a particularly well painted Khador army vs a tabletop standard Menoth army.

Again, the draw for WMH et al seems to be the rules above everything, but in so doing they lose much of what pulled me into wargaming as a kid, and what brought me back as an adult years later...