Part one will be a bit of a contextual issue that's been heavy on my shoulders for a while. If you want to skip to the actual crunch question, feel free.

Part 1:
So I'm not the kind of person that likes to do the math hammer list buildy thing. I'm the opposite. I hate it. All I do is picture what an attacking ork speed freak mob would look like and mix in a few models I haven't used in a while, or some I just finished painting. So it's pretty fair to say that my lists could be described as soft, and any hardness is purely accidental. I shall also establish that I'm not one who cares about winning or losing, I care more about the in between. If the game has devolved to the point where there is no strategic decision that can change the game anymore, and the out come is obvious, I'll call it to save myself from rolling 100 attacks that will ultimately change nothing. So I'm kind of in the middle of the guy who plays for the crunch and the guy who plays just to have fun. I play the rules with in the spirit of the army, but I don't finish a game when all that's left is half a unit of grots.

With that said, my problem I've been encountering recently is I haven't had a game that was worth finishing beyond turn 3. And by that I mean, I've been losing games before or on turn 3 regularly, occasionally via tabling. And again, I don't mind losing, but I'm losing the motivation to show up with 100 models of orks, take an hour to set them up and start a game, just to have them all gone or otherwise clearly defeated before half a game is over. I have to assume it's either my list, or the current state of the game balance because it doesn't seem to be a particularly nasty streak of luck, nor do I ever feel like I make tactical mistakes that would cost me this much. For example, I had a 1500 point list tabled on turn 2 by an Eldar army, despite nearly my entire army being in cover for both turns. For another example. I was completely removed turn 3 by the new Khorne Daemon book, despite turn 2 going very well in my favor.

So before the crunch question, I just want to know if anyone has advice for dealing with the lack of motivation. I don't mind losing, but if I'm gonna do it, I'd rather show up with 20 models and lose than take an hour to set up 100 just to have them do nothing.

Part 2: List Building

Speed Freaks are awesome and anyone who says other wise shall fear the Foot of Gork. Or Mork.

Typically my club plays 1500 to 2000 points games, and usually I run 2-3 mobs of boyz in trukks and/or battlewagons. Obviously the size of the mob depends on their transport. Sometimes they have shootas, sometimes they don't.

A 1500 point list of mine looks like this:
Warboss- PK, squig, lucky stick, bike
Nobs x3- 1 PK, bosspole, bike
Painboy - Grot Orderly, bike

Obviously these guys ride around. Usually they smash something, get shot, smash something else, and then die.

Boyz x 10 Trukk - Nob PK, boss pole
Boyz x 10 Trukk - Nob PK, boss pole

This list is short on boys, variants include shoota boys, sometimes more boyz, sometimes boyz in battlewagons.

Tank Bustas x 10 Trukk - Nob, bosspole, bombsquigs x3

Sometimes these guys kill things. If I don't go first they usually get their trukk blown up, which kills 4 or 5 of them, and then they don't get to do anything for the rest of the game and/or are killed.

Mek Gunz x3 - Smasha, one extra grot per gun, grot oiler x3

Sometimes these are Zzap guns. I'm desperate for something to open transports up, because when I use Power Klaws to do it, they just get shot by the cowards inside. These have not performed well.

Stormboyz x20 - Nob, PK, bosspole

Sometimes these are in two groups of 10. Either way the dumbest ork could count the number of times these guys have gotten into an assault with enough alive to win. (That means the number is very low.)

So that's a list that got removed by turn 3 by Khorne Daemons, and variants of the list have been likewise defeated by Necrons, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, and Eldar. It is very possible that I'm making mistakes on the table top, but in some of these battles there's just no room for mistakes. I rush them turn one, giving everything a cover save I can, which is usually most things. Then my trukks blow up and my army disappears before they can reach anything. Not much room for tactics. In the event against the Daemons, I managed to get in a few favorable assaults, but Fear happened and half my army was WS1.

Am I missing something? I keep feeling like the current state of the rules is balanced from an over-saturation context. Which means there's so many options, everyone has something that's smashy. But from my experience that ultimately just means really really one sided games.