The Falcon flying through the wrecked Star Destroyer looked pretty cool. Lots of nice flashes of stuff. The "Chrometrooper" actually looks pretty cool. A lot of the aesthetic seems to match the original movies, just with crisper resolution and effects.

I feel like the concept of a lengthy war makes a lot more sense than the strange way things went in the EU, where it seems like they took a lot of ground including Coruscant, then lost Coruscant, then gained it again, the Empire broke into warlords, then came together, then broke apart, then there were factions who fought with the New Republic, factions who allied with the New Republic... and you never got the sense that there was any serious fighting done, like all the battles were won with talking or just fights in space that left no debris. The only time I remember distinctly seeing the effects of fighting was the opening of Dark Empire, with all the debris around Coruscant.