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  1. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by Denzark View Post
    DAB - I'm not trying to say 'casual good tourney bad' or anything like that. Nor would I say Games workshop couldn't or shouldn't tighten a few things - nor that in doing so would probably please their customers. Nor am I saying it is entirely reasonable of them to expect us to fix their SNAFUs - we pay for a product, it should work, right?

    What I am trying to postulate is that balance is lacking, the game scene is likely to be batsh*t crazy for the forseeable future and, looking back on it - always has been. And intentionally so.

    I don't know what 'golden era' of balance people are referring to - possibly early third, not Rhino rush fourth surely?

    Also, whilst I know it is ironic for me to try and be the voice of reason, any chance you could tone down the direct attacks on people?
    Yeah, I get it Denzark, Thats why I added that edit to my post, so you know I wasn't address ing you (just the charmer)

    I can agree with teh statement that the balance in the game is currently borked, and you're right, it is likely to stay that way. And you know what, if that means the only response left is too take a break form 40k, well I hate to say it but I'm at that stage as well.
    I haven't had a game of 40k in almost 6 months now, part of that has just been being massively busy with the PHD but another part was the fact that my gaming group shrunk to 4 people (great people I admit) and that jsut led to the games getting kinda stale. I'm running on an inifinity high at the moment but Im keeping my finger on the 40k pulse so to speak, I did completely lose track of things during the cron release, but then from what I saw it didn't actually phase me much (though I've heard it is farily rough in hindsight)

    I dunno, part of the problem is that its just so sad to see something that I've put so much effort into fall to the wayside because a company cant get its act together.

    edit: as to golden era of balance, nah, you're right, there has never been one, some have been closer than others though, except for a few codexes (my own I freely admit and I hated it) and overly powerful boxes 5th was pretty good. Part of the down turn in 6th and 7th is often attributed to the fact that people wanted a tweaked 5th ed which fixed the flaws in that edition and instead we kinda god the lol-random reboot instead. That being said I like 6th, I actually liked 6th considerably more than I am liking 7th. But the staggered codex/rulebook schedule means that there is always an inherent disconnect between early edition codexes and later edition codexes, with the ones in the middle of the cycle inherently able to use the BRBs strengths to the greatest advantage as they have no learning curve or edition cushioning to deal with.
    Last edited by daboarder; 04-21-2015 at 07:32 AM.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

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