I'm thinking:

Chapter Master two Lightning Claws, terminator armor

1 Terminator Squad 5 man Heavy flamer 4 x chain fists

1 Terminator Squad 9 man Heavy Flamer 8 chain fists

1 Scout Squad rifles and camo cloaks and vet sgt

1 Scout Squad rifles and camo cloaks and vet sgt

Thunderhawk with Turbo laser.

I reckon that puts me around 1800pts ish.

The scouts would deploy first and hold the field and home objectives until the Thunderhawk comes in lights up a nice big target with all it's missiles and laser, mows down infantry with the heavy bolter.

The Thunderhawk lands and dumps a top of terminators in the enemies face with the tool to enable them to chew through a Knight Titan if necessary.

The big issue is making sure the Thunderhawk comes in early before i'm tabled.

I was thinking maybe a Damocles Rhino could be used to help with reserves but then how do I get it to survive until turn 2.

All thoughts welcome.