Is it possible to create a list containing more models than it is possible to kill in a 5 round game?

Let's set some parameters:
both sides are 1,500 points.
All rolling is assumed to conform to the law of averages (EG BS3 hits 50% of the time)
Blasts hit 3 targets/shot. Large Blasts hit 6 targets/shot. Templates hit 5 targets/shot. It's assumed that sometimes you hit more, sometimes you hit less, but it averages around there for this experiment.
All non-template weapons can be fired every round. Template weapons can be fired from the second round onwards (exception: flyers come in on the second round).
Due to the fickle nature of maneuvering, we will assume the worst and say that only enemy units get to assault the army, not the other way around.
Any netlist can be used for opposition.

Alternatively, assume 400 casualties inflicted (80 kills per round, doable with some lists)

For the sake of making things easy we will ignore morale for now. We will also assume that the army was trained by the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy, and graduated with full honours (IE the enemy army takes no casualties).

Can it be done? Can a game be won by sheer dint of having too many men for your enemy to stop you?