Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post

Don't get me wrong - some prices do leave me scratching my head. Witch Elves for instance. They're nice models like, but now in plastic, and a core choice, so the £35 a box seems high.

Though it's entirely on par with Warmahordes boxes, so it's not just GW with the odd peculiar price point.

And in addition to a given units place in the game's organisational structure, there's also the points to consider. Take my beloved Kasteallan Robots. Gorgeous models, fantastic kit. But a not-inconsiderable £42 for three models. Yikes. But then I have a look at their points values. Yeah. That's some pretty decent 'pound per point', certainly enough that I have two boxes worth at present.
Pricing has to be seriously tough for GW to work out if you think about it. Probably 80% of a models sales will happen during it's initial release window so they have to make a good estimate of how many they think they can sale vs the cost vs what they need the kit to provide in profit. Too high risks people not buying the kit and too low risks not making the amount of profit they targeted. Not a fun job for them to work it out at all.