Totally agree, ATSKNF and Fearless are so ubiquitous that they've rendered fear into nothing more than a useless points tax that you have to pay for models who happen to have the rule.

Fearless should be *much* rarer and ATSKNF should be totally overhauled too. As a Dark Eldar player, it's kind of annoying that whole swathes of wargear are made totally pointless because of ATSKNF being on half the armies in the game. I'd happily see that rule just straight up removed from the game tbh, I find it incredibly OP. Like, how is it fair that my 10 man Tactical Squad gets butchered down to 3 men by my buddy's Orks, only for me to run, auto-rally and waste half his Boyz mob with the flamer he didn't manage to kill?

My favourite part of playing Horus Heresy is that morale actually matters and it's glorious. It feels like 40k as it should be.