On one hand I am very excited to be at the start of something new, i.e. the ground floor for once.
However, I already miss all the colorful flavor of the old world...buildings, varied units and races.
As now, the only races in any good shape or form to fight is either chaos or all the new Sigmar minions that came thru the gate.
The remainder of Humanity, Dwarves, Elves, and other good guys were all wiped out.
I get the impression AoS is kind of like Space Marines not in space, i.e. instead of Space Marine chapters they now call the fantasy units "Chambers".
I read the 2nd new short novel released by GW yesterday, and the unit descriptions and "Chamber" descriptions are all VERY VERY similar or even seem to be imitations of Space Marine chapters.
Just remove the modern weapons....
I will give it time though and see how it all pans out, but I also miss all the old heroes like Gotrek and Felix, and especially Luthor Huss...he was my favortie!
What the heck happened to him?
Last I read he was "missing"...