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    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The North, UK

    Default Home Brew Battle Plans

    Wrote up a quick Battle Plan for a game I'm running at the weekend, what do people think?

    Has anyone else come up with any ideas for their own Battle Plans?

    A Worthy Death for Grunhi Ironhelm

    Grunhi was a great poet singer of his people, he dived into the ancient lore and texts of the Duradin, accounts of Grumni and Grimnir from the Age of Myth and the World That Was, the history of a stoic and proud people, the Dawi and their clans. He found that he could draw his lineage back to a grand and ancient clan and that they had barred the doors of their mountain hold when the End Times came, refusing to honour their oaths to the Human Empire and fight against the End of Days.

    Grunhi was driven half mad by this, at once discovering the proud traditions of his folk and then in the same moment that he had lost this honour by the actions of his ancestors.

    He took up the mantle of Slayer, a cult of the ancient Dawi, who sought their doom to right the wrongs of the past, clad in little more than swirling blue tattoos and a Mohawk dyed bright orange. So it was that Grunhi made it to the Realm of Beasts to battle against the Troggoth until he died in glorious combat.

    This Battle Plan has two sides, Grunhi the Slayer and the Troggoth. Grunhi is a single model whose War Scroll is below.

    Set up terrain as in Age Of Sigmar: The Rules

    The Troggoth Player takes as many models with the Troggoth keyword that they have access to.

    In the centre of the battlefield place Grunhi the Slayer.

    The opponent then places two Troggoth on the board within 18 inches of Grunhi. The remaining of the Troggoth are held off the board for now, placed in Reserve.


    Grunhi seeks a glorious death, and fighting Troggoth is a traditional way to seek that doom. By the end of Turn 6, Grunhi needs to have been removed as a casualty and have killed at least 3 Troggoth models, this will be a Major Victory for the Grunhi player.

    If the Troggoth placed on the table are all dead at the end of Turn 6 but Grunhi still lives, the game is a draw, Grunhi hasn’t died but it is due to his skills as a Slayer being too great for this opponent, he must seek a stronger foe to give him the death he craves but his lament continues.

    If Grunhi dies without killing at least 3 Troggoth, or survives to the end of Turn 6 without killing all Troggoth on the table, then the game is a Major Victory to the Troggoth player.

    Special Rules

    Echoing Battle Song

    If Grunhi is singing his Battle Song, all Troggoth are moved to a raging violence and must approach Grunhi as directly and quickly as possible, running in the Movement Phase and then Charging him if they're within 12” in the Charge Phase, they can do this even though they ran in the Movement Phase.

    No Troggoth Unit can Retreat while Grunhi is singing the Battle Song.

    On Coming Horde

    At the Start of each of the Troggoth players Movement Phase roll a D3 that many Troggoth models must be deployed on to the battlefield from the Reserve. They are placed within 18” of Grunhi but more than 9” away from him. If you run out of Troggoth models to put on the table from Reserve you no longer have to make this roll.


    Grunhi Ironhelm

    Move 4”
    Wounds 5
    Bravery 10
    Save 6+

    Melee Weapons Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
    Runic Axes 1” 6 3+ 3+ -1 1


    Grunhi Ironhelm is a single model. In the tradition of the long forgotten Dawi Slayers, he marches to seek his doom in battle armed with a pair of Runic Axes.

    Runic Axes: Armed with two Runic Axes, Gruhi can launch a flurry of blows. You can re-roll all hit rolls of 1 for a Gruni attack with his Runic Axes.

    Epic Deathblow: If Grunhi Ironhelm is slain in the combat phase, roll a dice before he is removed. On a roll of 4 or more, you can inflict D3 mortal wounds on the enemy unit that struck the fatal blow (inflict D6 mortal wounds instead if a Monster struck the final blow)

    Master Slayer: Attacks made by Grunhi inflict double Damage against Monsters.

    Slayer Oath: You can add 1 to any wound rolls for a Grunhi Ironhelm if the target of the attack has more than 1 Wound.

    Lamentful Battle Song: At the start of your Hero Phase, Grunhi can begin one of the ancient and powerful Battle Songs of the Dawi Slayers, drawing deep into his soul, he sings a mournful song that enrages both Grunhi and his enemies.

    Roll 2d6, if the total is more than 4, then Gruhi has correctly remembered his Song and will be singing a Battle Song until the start of your next Hero Phase. While singing a Battle Song, Grunhi gains 2 extra attacks with his Runic Axes and adds 2 to any rolls to Run or Charge.

    Any opposing models within 12” of Grunhi while he is singing a Battle Song must Charge in their Charge Phase if possible.

    Keywords: Order, Duradin, Dispossessed, Grunhi Ironhelm
    Last edited by Path Walker; 07-20-2015 at 11:42 AM.

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