Hi, first post here just looking for a bit of advice. I am a long time 40k player and with the recent release of AOS my gaming circle decided to give it a go. I have picked up some Ogres because from what little reading into fantasy I did, they seem like a solid army, that requires a lower model count (less to buy and paint), also they seem to have a simple tactic of just going straight into the fight as fast as possible and clobbering stuff. In 40k I play Guard so Ogres seems like a nice change of gameplay for me.

Onto what Ogres I have..

6 Ogres
6 Ironguts
4 Leadbelchers
2 Mournfang cavalry

I thought this would be an OK starting force, I just need a leader (The games so far I've just been using one of the Ironguts as a Tyrant) I've had a look at the warscrolls and I was thinking either Golgfag Maneater or Bragg the Gutsman. Also I want to get a Giant and I also like the look of the Ironblaster.

Any veteran Ogre players out there have any tips, tactics or strategies that I could try? Or any suggestions of effective units to get?

One thing I really want to get is something very long ranged and powerful, best for sniping off enemy heroes. Sometime similar to the Vindicare assassin of 40k, but whatever the AOS equivalent is. Anyone help me out with what AOS unit or hero might fit that role? Doesn't matter to me if its Ogre or any other army. I've been looking at some options and the Dwarf bolt thrower and grudge thrower seem good choices, but I'm not sure and there is probably a load of stuff I've not seen yet.

Finally I'll need something for horde control. One of my regular opponents likes to use/summon lots and lots of skeletons and zombies.

Any advice etc greatly appreciated, thanks