Ok, so hear me out.

I love a good skirmish game, I love me some good minis, and I love a unique background.

But the setting for Age of Sigmar seems less than complete. This happens with a lot of miniatures games- we get so involved in the armies and troop movements that we don't get to see what life is like outside of the military (or whatever groups are doing the fighting).

And in some cases, we start to wonder if there even is life outside of the military.

I'm bringing this up because I feel that Age of Sigmar has this problem. I'm also one of those guys that is super excited about the possibilities in the specialist games division. And I just thought- what would happen if they DID release Warhammer Quest, but they didn't set it in the old setting?

We'd soon get a lot more detail and flesh on the new setting. We'd see how Serephon and Sigmarites interact with one another, we'd get some insights into the various cultures that have survived the rule of chaos. We even might get a glimpse into the daily life of those poor humans stranded on the mortal plains who are hoping to resist the rule of chaos.

We could have an adventuring party made up of some of these characters from different realms, and we can see a little of what motivates them.

There's a lot of potential to flesh out the setting into something that feels like an interesting, original setting. RPGs really do a lot to add detail to a setting (if you don't believe me, take a good look at the Iron Kingdoms).

It really could go a long ways towards making the setting more complete.