... at least from a website/forum's perspective?

I have to say that it might just be me, but it seems that the BoLS forums for 40k have slowed down considerably over the last couple months. I just went away for a week long vacation outside of any internet connectivity, came back and saw that there were barely more than a dozen new posts on the rumors forum which is usually the hotbed of activity.

Thinking back, I get the gut feeling that this slump started during the Summer of Sigmar. Indeed traffic stats seemed to indicate that the sigmar focus of GW killed hobby website traffic but has it recovered?

Is it due to something other than Sigmar? I know that on the IRC channel that I've been on for more than 20 years now on efnet called #Warhammer, its been 24/7 Infinity talk. In fact, the old timers of the channel have started an *Infinity* podcast and pretty much abandoned their 40k-centric blog.

Am I just imagining things?