Quote Originally Posted by Cactus View Post
Because of the "These Codexes suck" post on the BoLS main page, I was thinking about something similar with Dark Eldar.

I've never wanted to play DE until I read all of the comments on how nobody should be able to win with that codex but I thought lots of minimum sized Kalabite units in Venoms would be gross. Everything would be minimum sized and everything would be geared for killing troops or machine.

Archon - Venom - splinter canon
4 Kalabites - Sybarite - Haywire - Venom with splinter cannons
4 Kalabites - Sybarite - Haywire - Venom with splinter cannons
4 Kalabites - Sybarite - Haywire - Venom with splinter cannons
4 Kalabites - Sybarite - Haywire - Venom with splinter cannons
4 Kalabites - Sybarite - Haywire - Venom with splinter cannons
4 Kalabites - Sybarite - Haywire - Venom with splinter cannons
4 Scourages - Solarite - Haywire blasters
Venom - splinter canon
Venom - splinter canon
Ravager - Dark Lance x 3
Ravager - Dark Lance x 3
Ravager - Disintegrator Cannon x 3
This is basically your average DE army. Details vary but this is beeing played a lot. You could tweak that even more by substituting the Archon with a Lhamaean, getting rid of Sybarites and Solarite (6" Emp is wasted if you are that close you are pretty much dead) and hand out blasters to 1 Kabalite instead.
Haywire Scourges are debatable but not wasted. We could also think about adding a Dark Artisan Formation (with WWP) for a little bit more durability and melee punch.
And thats about it. You just created the hardest list this codex is capable of.
This is basically the DE equivalent to Scatterbike Spam and multiple Wraithknights or 600 points free SM Vehicles (which is terrible for that list as is any army with multiple vehicles). You created the cheesiest cheese list DE can muster.
Yes, this can work if you do not allow your opponent to also play his most maxed out list and convince him to play a rather medicore toned down list.

Just to give you an perspective: in one round of shooting if everything is perfectly in range (and without cover) you kill about 21 Tactical marines or a single Wraithknight.